Sunday, March 10, 2013

Adjusting to India

It's sort of a recurring event in my life, that once I get comfortable with a routine, and it seems like I'm on a roll with running, or work, or some project, or anything really, I do something that flips my life into a state of flux and I find myself struggling to make all of the pieces fit into place again.  Luckily for me, I've done this so many times that I think I'm getting better at putting that puzzle back together.  It's been hard to adjust to life in India while holding on to the things that are important to me.  Running is one of those things now, and I've been trying different ways to incorporate running into my daily life here in Hyderabad.  I think I've finally figured out that I just need to get up early and run in the morning.

I've been running mostly on a treadmill since I moved to India last month, and, to put it mildly, I hate running on a treadmill.  It's not that I hate running on the treadmill, it's that I don't get to enjoy the parts of running that I normally enjoy.  I like to feel the wind on my face.  I like to hear the things around me.  I like to take in some scene that no one else gets to.  There's something about being tired, or better yet exhausted, and watching a sunrise, or seeing a wild animal off some trail, or splashing water on your face from a mountain stream.  Putting your body through physical stress and then encountering those things allows you to see a beauty in them that you don't otherwise get.  It gives you perspective on life.

I haven't exactly established a solid running routine yet, but I'm optimistic that I'll find ways to enjoy running here.  Of course it's more difficult to make time to run with a family, and balance running with the other important things in my life, but I decided awhile back that running isn't just important to me.  It's a necessity.  I'll continue to explore new trails, parks, and roads until I get back to a point where I feel free.  If I have any chance at completing the Bangalore Ultra 50K later this year, I need to start training.

Happy Running!


  1. Save the treadmill for the rainy season. It may be inconvenient to wake up early and too hot to go later in the day, but at least it's not 24-hour monsooning right now! :)

  2. Don't worry Stephanie, I'll always be able to find something to complain about! Running in the morning is actually working out really well. I just hate getting up so early.
