Friday, March 27, 2015

Hey Guys...Still Alive!

Well, it's been an extremely long time since my last update.  I almost feel like I should just start an entirely new blog, but after reading some of my old posts I started reminiscing about running and blogging about it in Washington, DC and in Hyderabad, India.  I've really missed sharing my trial of miles, and I'm ready to get back to it.

Most importantly, I've missed the sense of community I felt when running and keeping everyone up to date here.  This blog held me accountable for what I wanted to accomplish, and it put me in contact with real people who could offer support, advice, and friendship.  This blog got me through my second marathon, after a disastrous first marathon.  This blog made me a runner.  Let me clarify that last statement.  This blog gave me the mindset that I was a runner, but I made myself a runner.  I did that by burning through running shoe after running shoe in countless miles of trials.

I never ran my ultramarathon when we got back to the States, and that kind of makes me sad.  I was in the best shape of my life when we got back from India, and I was easily in good enough shape to at least finish an ultra.  I made the mistake of letting life's little events make me feel like it wasn't the right time for me.  Granted, my wife and I were having another child.  That's a pretty big life event!  I figured, I'd just wait another six months until life returned to normal. The problem with that mentality is that life is never normal.  I have a wife and kids and life is always crazy.  Becoming an ultramarathoner is still on my bucketlist, and I'm determined to accomplish that goal.  The one thing I've found most certain in life is that if you want to accomplish something, you have to do it...not think about doing it.  To reference Dr. Seuss, I'm through sitting in the "waiting place."  This is the year that I will run my ultra.

Happy Running!

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