Tuesday, May 15, 2012


While my last, longest barefoot run to date, went extremely well my feet were pretty sore afterwards.  Icing them for about 20-30 minutes was extremely helpful.  The pain is mostly in my right foot, so I'll have to pay close attention to my form to make sure it's not something I'm causing.  For some reason I was thinking that I'd been running for weeks in my Bikilas, but I checked the receipt of when I bought them and it was actually only about a week and a half before my 8-miler on Saturday.  Since my feet were so sore the next day I've decided to take the advice on the Vibrams website and use a day of rest between every day of training for the first month.  Each day I'm going to rotate 4 miles, rest, 6 miles, rest, 4 miles, etc. and I'll continue this for all of May.  Depending on how my feet feel I may jump in with DC Road Runners on an occasional Saturday long run.

I had hoped to participate in the 2012 Marine Corps Marathon, but found out that it sold out almost immediately following ticket sales.  Bummer.  I did; however, find a small low-key marathon in Dover, DE October 20, 2012.  I think this is going to be my marathon redemption race.  It's called the Monster Mash and it benefits the Wounded Warrior Project.  Right up my alley.

In June I'll begin my 'normal' training schedule.  I plan to run Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sat, Sun.  I'll have short runs on Tues, Thurs, Sun, and I'll have a medium run on Wed and a long run on Saturday.  I'm not really planning to do a traditional build up and taper for the marathon as it's really just a training run for my ultimate goal of completing an ultramarathon.  Hopefully I'll be able to take a couple light recovery weeks after the marathon and then continue right along with training, upping my mileage as the weeks go on.  As my training progresses, Sunday will gradually become a medium, then long run as well.

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