So, I had planned to have a big-ish training week over Thanksgiving, but that didn't exactly work out. I only got two runs in, and neither were noteworthy; however, I really enjoyed the holiday. I spent time with my family, I watched football, and I relaxed. It was great!
I think that last week was probably a good break for me, both mentally and physically. My training hasn't really slowed down since my trip to Hawaii in September, with the exception of the taper for Marine Corps Marathon. I hate to admit it, but I'm still kind of sore from playing football over a week ago. Although I've been running frequently, I haven't been doing any cross-training. Playing flag football was a good reminder to me that I need to exercise the rest of my body, and I need to keep my workouts balanced. As a result of that, I'm going to incorporate some strength training into my normal routine. For now I'll still plan on running T,W,Th,Sa,Su, and doing some light weights M,W,F. I want to add some strength training without letting my mileage suffer. I've got a couple races coming up; DCRR 10K Bread Run 12/2 and Gar Williams Half Marathon 12/9, but after those I'd like to get back into football once per week.
I'll give you a DCRR 10K Bread Run race recap next week. Hopefully my slow week over Thanksgiving hasn't ruined my chance at a PR.
Training Summary for Last Week:
Monday: Off
Tuesday: 4.51 miles; 42:30; avg. pace 9:26/mi
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Off
Friday: 6 miles; 55:55; avg. pace 9:19/mi
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off
Total Mileage: 10.51 miles
Total Time: 1:38:25
Average Pace: 9:22/mi
Happy Running!
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